Sunday, July 11, 2010

What Else Am I Reading?

A piece of advice I hear over and over again is that writers should be readers. No problem there. I have been a big reader nearly since I could read. I finished my summer reading early, loved the local library young readers clubs, and scored so many pizzas while participating in the Pizza Hut Book It program. More recently, I brought four banker's boxes of books (essentially one bookshelf) to my local second-hand bookshop before I moved in with my wife, and I even read four books on my honeymoon (in my defense, I had just finished taking the Bar Exam and had not read for fun in months; there were long flights; and we spent a lot of time on a beach).

So part of this blog will be to describe what I am reading for fun. Hopefully, you will see that I will read as widely and deeply as I should. Odds are (especially during the summer and since I started working at a law firm), you will see that I do not read as much nonfiction as I should. Feel free to comment on my choices.

Currently, I have subscriptions to three magazines: The Economist, Wired, and The Atlantic. Wired and The Atlantic are fairly inexpensive and are great reads. Wired covers all sorts of tech and science stuff, as well as pop culture. The Atlantic covers travel stories, a cocktail column, politics, and various other stories, including regular articles by Andrew Sullivan and Mark Bowden. The Economist covers news from around the world, as well as science stories, and book reviews. However, it is the priciest of the three, and it can be hard to get through it all every week. Nevertheless, their Technology Quarterly pieces are great for sci-fi writers.

As for novels, I am currently reading Cherie Priest's Boneshaker. Not only was this my first Kindle purchase, but it is my first exposure to steampunk. I have been enjoying it very much. It's a great summer read: fun and action-packed with detailed world creation. I would recommend it to others. And if you like audio books, Wil Wheaton lent his voice to the recording.

As I wrap up the "how to write" books (I just finished Storyteller), I will keep y'all posted as to what enters the rotation.

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